
Lirik Lagu Always Been God - Hillsong Worship

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Informasi Lirik Lagu

Judul laguAlways Been God
PenyanyiHillsong Worship

Lirik Lagu Always Been God by Hillsong Worship

As my knees touch the ground in the morning
May new mercies awaken my soul
For Your grace can rewrite any story
And that grace every day writes my own

Faithful You've been
Faithful You are
You never fail to complete
What You start

You've always been good
Always been kind
You've never let go
You've always been God

When the walls 'round my heart won't surrender
I will pray my way around Jericho
And from season to season I'm singing
For I know Him in whom I have hope

Faithful You've been
Faithful You are
You never fail to complete
What You start

You've always been good
Always been kind
You've never let go
You've always been God

This is my pursuit
Daily trusting You
Every step in surrender

Live to serve You Lord
Live to know You more
Live to love You forever

This is my pursuit
Daily trusting You
Every step in surrender

Live to serve You Lord
Live to know You more
Live to love You forever
And evermore

Faithful You've been
Faithful You are
You never fail to complete
What You start

You've always been good
Always been kind
You've never let go
You've always been God
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