
Lirik Lagu God's Great Dance Floor - Passion feat Chris Tomlin

Syalom, selamat membaca serta menyanyikan lirik lagu rohani God's Great Dance Floor yang dibawakan oleh Passion feat Chris Tomlin. Dukung terus penyanyi idolamu untuk terus berkarya dengan cara tidak mendownload ataupun mengunduh lagu yang mereka miliki secara ilegal. Sebagai gantinya kamu dapat mendengarkan lagu mereka melalui layanan-layanan streaming online seperti Youtube, Spotify dan Joox.

Informasi Lirik Lagu

Judul laguGod's Great Dance Floor
PenyanyiPassion, Chris Tomlin

Lirik Lagu God's Great Dance Floor by Passion feat Chris Tomlin

I'm coming back to the start
Where you found me
I'm coming back to your heart
Now I surrender
Take me
This is all I can bring

I'm coming back to the start
I got this freedom
In here we feel your heart
Your heartbeat for us
Take me
This is all I can bring

You'll never stop loving us
No matter how far we run
You'll never give up on us
All of heaven shouts let the future begin
Let the future begin
Take me
This is all I can bring

You'll never stop loving us
No matter how far we run
You'll never give up on us
All of heaven shouts let the future begin
Let the future begin

I feel alive I come alive
I am alive on God's great dance floor
I feel alive I come alive
I am alive on God's great dance floor

I feel alive I come alive
I am alive on God's great dance floor
I feel alive I come alive
I am alive on God's great dance floor

I feel alive I come alive
I am alive on God's great dance floor
God's great dance floor
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