
Lirik Lagu Father Of Lights - Chris Tomlin

Syalom, selamat membaca serta menyanyikan lirik lagu rohani Father Of Lights yang dibawakan oleh Chris Tomlin. Dukung terus penyanyi idolamu untuk terus berkarya dengan cara tidak mendownload ataupun mengunduh lagu yang mereka miliki secara ilegal. Sebagai gantinya kamu dapat mendengarkan lagu mereka melalui layanan-layanan streaming online seperti Youtube, Spotify dan Joox.

Informasi Lirik Lagu

Judul laguFather Of Lights
PenyanyiChris Tomlin

Lirik Lagu Father Of Lights by Chris Tomlin

I don't thank You near enough
I get too familiar with Your love
Lord forgive me for missing
The little things You've done
How You gave me 12 notes
And the breath in my lungs
And I'm gonna praise You with this one

Every good thing in my life
Comes down from the Father of lights
It comes down from the Father
Down from the Father
Down from the Father of lights

All the best things in this world
Money just can't buy
They come down from the Father
Down from the Father
Down from the Father of Lights

Down down down down
From the Father of the light
Down down down down
From the Father of the light

I remember where I was
Out of strength nowhere to run
I'm so glad that You ran
To me and picked me up
And You gave me 12 notes
And the breath in my lungs
And I'm gonna praise You with this one

Every good thing in my life
Comes down from the Father of lights
It comes down from the Father
Down from the Father
Down from the Father of lights

All the best things in this world
Money just can't buy
They come down from the Father
Down from the Father
Down from the Father of Lights

Down down down down
From the Father of the light
Down down down down
From the Father of the light

If the world didn't give it
The world can't take it away
If the world didn't give it
The world can't take it away

If the world didn't give it
The world can't take it away
If the world didn't give it
The world can't take it away

If the world didn't give it
The world can't take it away
If the world didn't give it
The world can't take it away

If the world didn't give it
The world can't take it away
'Cause it comes down from the father
Down from the father
Down from the Father of the light

Every good thing in my life
Comes down from the Father of lights
It comes down from the Father
Down from the Father
Down from the Father of lights

All the best things in this world
Money just can't buy
They come down from the Father
Down from the Father
Down from the Father of Lights

Down down down down
From the Father of the light
Down down down down
From the Father of the light

Down down down down
From the Father of the light
Down down down down
From the Father of the light
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