
Lirik Lagu You're Not Done - Leeland and Charity Gayle

Syalom, selamat membaca serta menyanyikan lirik lagu rohani You're Not Done yang dibawakan oleh Leeland and Charity Gayle. Dukung terus penyanyi idolamu untuk terus berkarya dengan cara tidak mendownload ataupun mengunduh lagu yang mereka miliki secara ilegal. Sebagai gantinya kamu dapat mendengarkan lagu mereka melalui layanan-layanan streaming online seperti Youtube, Spotify dan Joox.

Informasi Lirik Lagu

Judul laguYou're Not Done
PenyanyiLeeland, Charity Gayle

Lirik Lagu You're Not Done by Leeland and Charity Gayle

I know you're tired
I know you're weak
And all of that fighting's got you
Down on your knees

You're desperate for change
Desperate to know
There's a light
Still a light

Child lift up your eyes
For your help draws nigh
Child lift up your eyes
It'll be alright

Every tear you've cried
Let the sunlight dry
Every tear you've cried
It'll be alright

If you still have breath in your lungs
If you still have breath in your lungs
You're not done

I'll be your strength
I'll be your song
I'll be the solid rock
That you can stand on

I'm with you always
You're never alone
Cause I'm right
By your side

Child lift up your eyes
For your help draws nigh
Child lift up your eyes
It'll be alright

Every tear you've cried
Let the sunlight dry
Every tear you've cried
It'll be alright

If you still have breath in your lungs
If you still have breath in your lungs
You're not done

If you still have breath in your lungs
If you still have breath in your lungs
If you still have breath in your lungs
If you still have breath in your lungs

If you still have breath in your lungs
If you still have breath in your lungs
If you still have breath in your lungs
If you still have breath in your lungs

Child lift up your eyes
For your help draws nigh
Child lift up your eyes
It'll be alright

Every tear you've cried
Let the sunlight dry
Every tear you've cried

If you still have breath in your lungs
If you still have breath in your lungs
If you still have breath in your lungs
If you still have breath in your lungs

If you still have breath in your lungs
If you still have breath in your lungs
You're not done
You're not done

If you still have breath in your lungs
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